Technical requirements.
- For 4:3 aspect Ratio:
800x600, 1024x768, 1280x960.
- For 16:9 aspect Ratio:
1280x720, 1920x1080.
- File type:
- Weight:
No more than 15 MB.
- Lenght:
No less than 15sec and no more than 30sec.
- Supported Bit Rates:
From 6 000kbps up to 15 000kbps.
- Supported Frame Rates.
23.976, 24, 25, 29.97p, 50i, 59.94i fps.
Video + End Card
Technical requirements.
1. Video
- Weight:
No more than 15 MB.
- File type:
mp4, Video codec H.264, Audio codec - AAC.
- Lenght:
No less than 15sec and no more than 30sec.
2. End Card
- Weight:
250 kb.
- Video + End Card dimensions:
800x600, 1024x768, 1280x960, 1280x720, 1920x1080.
Creative Tips for CTV advertising.
In addition to adhering to the above CTV specifications, ensure that you start strong and grab the viewer’s attention within the first 3 seconds, either by delivering your value proposition right away or by using eye-catching mechanics. Highlight your brand at the beginning and end of the ad, and pair on-screen text with dialogue or a strong voiceover to reinforce your message. Please mind lipsink best pratice.
Also be sure to include a call-to-action throughout the creative.
Regardless of your ad’s length, tell a compelling story and support it with strong visuals and sound design.
Show off what makes your brand unique, but remember that co-viewing is common on CTV. As such, you must deliver ads that appeal to your target audience without alienating any other family members who might be in the room.
As all the Ads are skippable, if your ads are brief and to the point, consumers are more likely to watch them all the way through.