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Integration Guide for AppMetrica
Integration Guide for AppMetrica

This guide will show you how to create a tracker for Hybe and how to configure tracking and postback URLs for your campaign.

Gennadiy Akulov avatar
Written by Gennadiy Akulov
Updated over a week ago

Step 1. Find a correct media source

AppMetrica actively partners with advertising platforms to promote apps. You can check the list of all available partners here.

  1. In the service, go to the "Media Sources" section.

  2. Fill in "Hybrid" in the search bar and find our media source.

After you successfully found us, you can create a tracker for Hybe.

Step 2. Add a new tracker and configure it

  1. In the AppMetrica interface, go to "Trackers".

2. In the top-left corner, click "Create a Tracker".

3. In the Campaign details block fill in all fields:

Y‌ou can enable "This is remarketing campaign" toggle if you want to create remarketing tracker. Lern more about remarketing campaigns with AppMetrica here.

For User Acquisition campaign leave it as it is.

In the "Attribution settings" section you can change the duration of attribution windows for Fingerprint/Device ID/Google Referrer matching types. Also, You can enable "Reattribution" toggle if you need to attributie repeat installs by pre-existing users from advertising channels tracked using AppMetrica. By default a single device can't have more than one attributed install in 30 days. If reattribution is disabled, new installs on a device that previously had attributed installs are registered as organic installs. Learn more about Reattribution here.

If necessary, you can also add a test device to test the integration. Learn more here about it.

Step 3. Configure Tracking URL

Go to the SmartLink parameters, choose a necessary platform and destination URL:

Then go to the bottom of the page and change additional tracking parameters if necessary:

Learn more about AppMetrica tracking parameters here.

Also, you can find Hybe macros list here.

Step 4. Configure Postback URLs

In AppMetrica you have to create 2 different trackers. The first one is only for attributed events, and the second one is only for unattributed events. The settings below will be simillar for both of these trackers, there will be only difference in postbacks.

Go to the postback parameters, at that part you can configure postback link for install and post-install events. The first event you'll see will be install.

For the first tracker, which passes only attributed data there's no need to enable option "Send postback on actions of all users". Here you need just set a flag &is_attributed=1, and pass the CloudID through the {custom parameter} macro as on the screenshot below. In this case we require to pass the cloud_id through the &custom parameter in the tracking and impression link. Example:{bid_id}&custom_parameter={cloudid}&google_aid={gaid}&campaign_name={campaign_name}&site_id={id_inapp}&campaign_id={campaign_id}&ssp={ssp}&ssp_id={id_ssp}&ad_name={ad_name}&ad_id={id_ad}&ad_type={creative_type}&os_version={device_os_version}&traffic_type={environment}

Postback example for attributed installs:

For the second tracker, which passes only unattributed data, you have to set a flag &is_attributed=0, and pass the cloud_id as a fixed value, cause we won't receive it from the tracking link which other partners use and cannot use a {custom_parameter} macro. Example of the postback for unattributed installs:

After you configured the postback link for unattributed install, click on the "Edit" button below the postback and set the checkbox "Send postback on actions of all users" as on the screenshot below:

Why do we need to receive unattributed events from your side? There are some reasons for it:
1. Based on received non-attributed events, we will collect a suppression list - the list of users, who have already installed the app to exclude the from targeting in User Acquisition campaigns.
2. We will be able to use the audiences we collected based on the unattributed events as a seed audiences to build look-alike audiences with our DS team. For example, we can collect the audience of users who have made a purchase and try to find similar users by different parameters and target them.
3. We can make a pre-launch analytics based on this data. For example, we can exclude from targeting some cities/os versions/device models, which perform worth on other channels.

Hybe install postback with AppMetrica macros:

After that, click on the "Add postback" as on the screenshot below:

Now you can add postbacks for in-app events. Here you can select the postback type - Event, Ecommerece or Purchase. Learn more about postback types here.

The logic for in-app event postbacks is similar with install. For the attributed events there should be &is_attributed=1 flag and the cloud_id should be passed via {custom_parameter} macro. Example:

The "Send postback on actions of all users" option is no need to enable in the first case.

For the unattributed events there should be &is_attributed=0 flag and the cloud_id should be passed via fixed value. Example:

Click the "Edit" option and set the checkbox "Send postback on actions of all users" as it was done for install event so we can receive unattributed in-app events also.

Select the checkbox "Send postback on first target event only" if you want to track only the first reached event and don't select it if you want to track subsequent events also.


Hybe event postback with AppMetrica macros:

Important: don't forget to change the event name in the postback after configuring all the settings. Aslo, we don't recommend to use " " in the event names, please use "_" instead of it. It's better to name the events as you want to see they displayed on our platform. Example: show_info_screen.

Click "Save" after adding all necessary events:

The integration is configured!

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