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Custom MMP integration
Custom MMP integration

This article covers the main aspects of custom integration with Hybe

Gennadiy Akulov avatar
Written by Gennadiy Akulov
Updated over a week ago

To understand the flow of integration, firstly, it is necessary to know how links work.

Every link that you can find in web consists of several parts:

To configure an integration the most important part of the link is URL parameters.

URL parameters (or query strings) are part of a URL that comes after a question mark (?). They’re composed of keys and values, separated by an equal sign (=).

For integration you should provide us with a click URL.

In the click URL you need to build a link, and then, add these 3 parameters equal to our macros (YOUR parameters are labeled as sub1, sub2, sub3 in both links):

It works in the following way: user clicks on the link, and our platform substitutes the macros in each specific parameter with a different value that corresponds to the particular macros in that parameter.

After the user makes a conversion, a postback is sent to us from the client side:

Each parameter in the postback should be equal to the corresponding parameter from the click URL in a form of macros.

There are some necessary parameters, which should be in a Hybe’s postback URL:

  • id = 0 – this is an MMP id parameter, since it is actually not MMP integration, the parameter is always 0.

  • is_attributed=1 – this parameter is static and is always equal to 1, otherwise the event will not be attributed and not shown in Hybe’s UI.

  • clickid

  • cloudid

  • event_name

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