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Integration of MyTracker&Hybe
Integration of MyTracker&Hybe

This article describes the process of integration between Hybe and MyTracker

Gennadiy Akulov avatar
Written by Gennadiy Akulov
Updated over a week ago

Integrating with Hybe

Log in to your MyTracker account and go to Campaigns in the top bar, then select Partners.

In the list of integrated partners, find "Hybe" and go to the integration settings section.

Go to "Send Events" and select the application for which you want to set up the integration.

Below, insert the CloudID generated for your application that you received from the Hybe team. The CloudID is a unique identifier for the data cloud where all events and audiences for your app will be recorded, in our case it also acts as an API key to set up the integration.

Below you need to configure sending options for installs and in-app events. For the most efficient work with the platform, we recommend choosing the "Send All" option. In case of installs, this will help us to collect and exclude from targeting the audience of those users who already have the app installed (for User Acquisition campaigns).

Sending non-attributed in-app events will allow us to collect look-a-like audiences for tests in User Acquisition campaigns. For example, we can collect look-a-like audiences of those users who have already made a purchase in the app. For retargeting campaigns, we can use this data to collect audiences of those users who, for example, have added an item to cart, but haven't bought. As for the choice of events to send, we recommend configuring the sending of all funnel events from setup to target. That is, if the funnel looks like this: install --> registration --> add to cart --> purchase, while optimization will be done at the cost of the event "purchase", we still recommend sending all 4 events, so that you can disable the sources that give low conversion rates from install to registration or from registration to the event "add to cart" during optimization. This will allow you to reach your KPIs faster. Also, we recommend not using the " " sign when transmitting events, instead using "_" is preferable.

In MyTracker, you can configure both sending standard events and setting up your own custom events. Also, you can read more about the differences between LT and CA events at the links above.

Next, go to the Macros tab. This will specify the tracking link parameters with Hybe macros, which will automatically be added to the link when the campaign is created. You need to have them listed as in the screenshot below. Since Hybe has modular integration set up with MyTracker, they should be prescribed automatically. But if for some reason you have an empty macros section, set them up according to the sample:

The key parameters that must be present in the link are click_id and gaid/idfa.

The last step is to configure the postbacks. Here the postbacks should be prescribed for each event, which have been configured in the "Sending events" section.

To set up a postback link looks like this: gaid={mt_gaid}&andr_id={mt_android_id}&idfa={mt_idfa}&sha1_idfa={mt_sha1_idfa_lower}&sha1_gaid={mt_sha1_gaid_lower}&sha1_andr_id={mt_sha1_android_id_lower}&app_id={mt_external_id}&app_name={mt_app_title}&ts={mt_install_ts}&carrier={mt_mobile_operator}&country={mt_install_country_code}&brand={mt_device_manufacturer}&model={mt_device_model}&ip={mt_install_ip}&is_imp={mt_attribution_by_post_view}&is_organic={mt_traffic_type}&lang={mt_os_lang}&os_v={mt_os_version}&os={mt_os}&adnetwork={mt_traffic_source}&event_name=install&revenue={mt_payment_sum_usd}&cur={mt_currency_code}&clickid={clickid}&cloudid={mtap_hybe_cloud_id}&id=9&att_status={mt_att_status}&is_attributed={mt_attribution_by_partner}

For any in-app event, the postback link would look like this: gaid={mt_gaid}&andr_id={mt_android_id}&idfa={mt_idfa}&sha1_idfa={mt_sha1_idfa_lower}&sha1_gaid={mt_sha1_gaid_lower}&sha1_andr_id={mt_sha1_android_id_lower}&app_id={mt_external_id}&app_name={mt_app_title}&ts={mt_event_ts}&carrier={mt_mobile_operator}&country={mt_event_country_code}&brand={mt_device_manufacturer}&model={mt_device_model}&ip={mt_event_ip}&is_imp={mt_attribution_by_post_view}&is_attributed={mt_event_partner_attribution}&is_organic={mt_traffic_type}&lang={mt_os_lang}&os_v={mt_os_version}&os={mt_os}&connection={mt_event_connection_type}&adnetwork={mt_traffic_source}&event_name={mt_event_name}&revenue={mt_payment_sum_usd}&cur={mt_currency_code}&event_value={mt_event_custom_params_json}&clickid={clickid}&cloudid={mtap_hybe_cloud_id}&id=9&att_status={mt_att_status}

After setting up the postbacks, save the integration and move on to the next step.

Creating an advertising campaign and generating tracking links

After setting up the integration with a Partner, you need to create a campaign. To do this, go to the campaign section on the top panel and select the "Add" option.

In the opened window, select the account (application) for which you will create a campaign. Next, enter the name of the campaign, specify the type of the campaign (we recommend using the "Ordinary" type), select the partner (Hybe), and specify the type of traffic (we recommend Paid), and click "Add".

After creating the campaign, click "Edit" in the window that opens.

Next, go to "Tracking Links" and click "Add".

Specify the name of the link, its type (a standard tracking link will do), the application for which it is created and the target URL (for Android applications you can select the "Target URL from Google Play" option and the desired link will be substituted automatically). Example:

Then click on the "Attribution Settings" option. Here, you will need to activate post-view attribution, as well as setting the attribution window for click (7 days) and for display (1 day or 24 hours). The Probablistic attribution window is not crucial for Hybe, you can set it to your own preference.

After that, click "Add". In the window that appears, you'll see the click and display links generated, which you can use to run campaigns in Hybe.

This completes the necessary steps for setting up the integration.

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