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Hybe Insights

In this article, you will learn more about the Hybe Insights tool and its features.

Gennadiy Akulov avatar
Written by Gennadiy Akulov
Updated over a week ago



Hybe Insights - it's a tool for analyzing the available inventory and amount of traffic within the Hybe ecosystem. Also, it can be used as a tool for troubleshooting if the campaign is not delivering. The convenience of this tool lies in the absolute freedom of compiling such tables/charts/maps that you need. The fact is that any parameter on the right can be used as a filter and the displayed value. You can use your login and password for the Hybe dashboard to sign in at Hybe Insights also. The link is

When you first-time login to Hybe Insights, you'll see the next screen:


We will start our introduction with a description of each dimension we have in this dashboard.


The first part is the "Source" and it includes the next parameters:

  • Auction type - helps you to check/filter 1-st and 2-nd price auctions. For example, you can check what's the priority auction type in MoPub SSP. As you can see, MoPub provides only 1-st price auctions.

    You can also check all SSPs, which have 2-nd price auctions:

  • SSP - gives an opportunity to check/filter different SSPs we are connected to.

  • SSP id - Internal ID of the SSP on Hybe platform. Sometimes it displays in the reports instead of SSP name and you can match them with Hybe Insights.

  • Placement size - a useful dimension for filtering only necessary placement sizes or checking, which exact placement sizes give more traffic on exact SSPs/Formats.

  • Direct deals - allows checking the available traffic for the exact direct deal by its number, or, for example, to display direct deal numbers by specific parameters. You can read more about direct deals here.

  • Publisher Name - helps you to check/filter the available publishers according to your settings. Publisher - is a developer of the apps, where you show your ads running programmatic campaigns. Example:

  • Placement ID - allows to check/filter ID of the placement in the app.


  • App name/Bundle ID - helps to filter/show app names/IDs. You can also use the "Include", "Exclude" and "Contains" options to search necessary apps by keywords in their name/ID. And the "Regex" option helps allow you to upload app names/IDs to the DSP Insights and check the amount of available traffic only for them. The example of the app IDs list for uploading:


    For example, we want to find all AppIDs, which contains the keyword "crossword" in their app name:

    It can be very helpful for creating Inclusion/Exclusion lists.

  • Blocked categories/apps - provides you with the opportunity to check all IAB categories/apps, which are blocked by the selected publisher/app. Example: There is a very popular app "Words of Wonders" and we can see all the categories/apps which are blocked by this app.

    You can see on the screenshot higher, that the Bundle ID "com.fingerlab.word.blockpuzzles" is blocked. It means that ads of this app cannot be shown inside the app "Words of Wonders".

  • App category - you can use it to check the category of specific apps or filter apps by category. This categorization is based on data SSPs send to us via bid requests. For example, you want to see all the music apps, which are connected to the MoPub SSP, use these filters:

  • IAB Category/IAB category ID - works the same way as the previous dimension but it's based on the IAB categorization. You can learn more about IAB categories here.


  • Country - gives an opportunity to filter traffic by country or, for example, check the traffic availability in different countries with a couple of filters you set.


  • State/City - helps to select specific states/regions or cities. It can be useful if you have a campaign only in several cities/regions and you need to evaluate the available traffic there. Or, for example, you can choose the top 5 cities/regions by some parameters you set. Example:

  • Postal code - allows to filter/check the postal codes if necessary.


  • Device - can help to check/filter the device type (mobile, tablet, etc.). Example:

  • Device carrier - it's the same as the device manufacturer. It's also a useful option that allows to check/filter, for example, the best device makers for targeting.

  • Device Hardware Version - a dimension for filtering/checking technical names of devices. Each device has its own tech name and marketing name. Examples:

    Device carrier - Samsung
    Marketing model - Galaxy S21+ 5G

    Tech name - SM-G996U1

    On DSP Insights the Device Hardware Version usually shows as "Device carrier - Tech name".


  • Device model - only tech names without device carrier.

  • Screen size - gives an opportunity to filter/check the device screen size in pixels.

  • OS - this dimension helps to check/filter the operating system (iOS, Android, etc.). Example:

  • OS Version - allows to filter/check the OS Version. Very useful and frequently used dimension. Example:

  • Language - device language. Also can be used to select the necessary language as a filter or make a split by device language for further use in your campaigns.


    If sometimes you see "null" as a value in our DSP Insight feature, like on the screenshot above, it means that some SSPs don't pass these parameters to us via bid request, but we are trying to fix that day by day.


  • Connection - it's connection type (WiFi, 2G, 3G, 4G, etc.). Also, a useful option to explore traffic and use it for targeting in your campaigns. Example:

  • COPPA - this is a parameter that determines whether the content is childish or not (it has only 2 values false or true). In this case, we mean the age category of people to whom you show ads for your mobile application.

    Video ads

  • Video Max/Min duration - you can use this option to check the maximum/minimum available video duration by different options. Example:

  • Skip (false/true) - this parameter allows you to check/filter skippable or non-skippable video. You can also use this option as targeting in Hybe but be careful, this option can significantly reduce the available traffic.

    Type of traffic

  • Session depth - allows checking the availability of traffic with this setting as a filter. Also, you can check SSPs, which support this option. Example:

    You can read more about this setting in our Campaign creation guide.

  • Interstitial (false/true) - this dimension allows to check/filter the traffic only for Interstitial placements. It can be Video or Native traffic. We recommend using Interstitial placements mostly for video because it's more effective. Example:

  • Format - a dimension that helps to check/filter ad format (banner, native, video). A very important and frequently used option. Example:

  • MRAID version - gives an opportunity to filter/check MRAID versions for Rich Media ads. Example:

  • MRAID Playable - option for filtering/checking Playable ads. Has only two options true or false. Example:

  • Native placement size - allows to check/filter the size of placement for native ads by different parameters. Example:

  • Rewarded video - an option that helps to filter/show the video traffic by rewarded and non-rewarded. Example:

  • Native video - the same as the previous option but for Native video ads.


  • SKAdNetwork id - gives an opportunity to check/filter the ID of SKAdNetwork. According to Apple's official documentation, "developers must include this ad network ID in their app’s information property list to initiate the app install-validation process". Example:

  • SKAdNetwork Source App - an option that allows to filet/check the Source apps. These are apps that display ads provided by the ad networks. Example:

  • SKAdNetwork Version - This will help you in filtering/checking the SKAdNetwork version. Example:

There are all dimensions that are available for you in Hybe insights.

Useful features

In our feature, you can place the most frequently used dimensions on the right-sidebar and select the necessary option by checking the box. Drag and drop the necessary dimension there or click "Add dimension" to see it. Example:

By clicking on three points, you can not only select (include some parameters) but also exclude/show only selected. Example:

It's possible to display not only the number of available auctions for some time period. You can also easily display the number of users, as well as the Price floor. It's necessary to choose the "Multi-selection" option on the top-right sidebar as on the screenshot below:

After that, select the necessary metrics:

Then, you can compare metrics for two time periods - current and previous. To do that, select the "Compare" option on the top-right sidebar as on the screenshot below:

And then, select a period for comparing:

If you don't like table displaying and prefer line/bar/pie charts, you can change it as on the screenshot below:

But for a chart displaying, you need to select the "Time" dimension in the "Show" section:

Also, it's possible to change the time frame for the "Time" dimension:

Or change the "Sort by" or "Limit" options:

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