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Campaign creation guide
Campaign creation guide

In this article you'll learn more about campaign settings and targetings.

Gennadiy Akulov avatar
Written by Gennadiy Akulov
Updated over a week ago



First, you need to select the advertising app where you want to create the campaign.

Then you will see the list of active campaigns. If you are creating your first campaign for a new app, this page will be empty. Let's create a new campaign by clicking on the "Create" button.

Here you have 3 options: create a new campaign, create a new campaign group (folder), where you can group some campaigns with exact parameters like geo/ad format, and so on. You can also export settings from already existing campaigns, and adjust some settings, but please take into account that you won't be able to change the OS type if you export settings from the Android campaign and want to use it in the iOS app object and vice verse. Select "Create a new campaign".

Select "In-app" campaign type.

There are 5 steps of the campaign creating: basic settings, devices, inventory, audience, and ads. Let's start with basic settings.

STEP 1 - Basic settings


First of all, you need to fill the campaign name field. We recommend naming campaigns so that you can easily determine the basic settings of a particular campaign. (Eg., US_iOS_Video_apptitle_RON)

Then, you need to set daily limit(s) for your campaign. You can limit the campaign by the number of impressions, clicks, or budget. It means that if your campaign delivered, for example, 100.000 impressions or spent $500 it will be paused till the next day. You can set more than one daily limit by different parameters, in this case, your campaign will be paused once one of these limits was reached. Also, you can add general limits. It means that your campaign will be paused at all once it reaches the general budget.

The next setting is Campaign pacing. Choose how the budget is spent. You can choose between evenly throughout the campaign (standard option) or as fast as possible to deliver the budget quickly (accelerated option). Please note: This setting will not be available if you use the ad schedule.

Next, you can set the SmartBid Optimization type. Here we have the same options:

  • Impressions - you set your bid for 1.000 impressions and it will be optimized to deliver as many impressions as possible;

  • CPI optimization - you still set your bid for 1.000 impressions, but in this case, your bid is optimized to achieve high app install values;

  • Conversion range pricing (ML) - this option becomes available after connecting the ML model to your campaign. The ML model can be trained and connected after you collect ~ 800-1.000 installs on manually optimized campaigns;

  • No optimization - you set the bid for 1.000 impressions, but your bid won't be optimized.


We recommend using "CPI optimization" when you are starting the campaign and after collecting necessary data create a new campaign with a connected ML model and use the "Conversion range pricing (ML)" option.

Below these options, there is a field where you can set a CPM bid in US dollars. Also, you can add the maximal bid limit (optional) - it is the maximum allowable excess of the bid, which you are willing to buy the impression of your ad to the most relevant user. This option is not available if you select the "No optimization" type.

The next option is the campaign start, here you can set particular dates and hours of start and finish for your campaign. Skip it if you don't want to set specific dates.

Also, you can add a schedule for your campaign - exact days of week and hours, when your ads should be displayed. For example, you started the campaign without a schedule, and then after some time, you see in the reports, that users show more activity on weekdays from 9 AM to 20 PM. And you can add the next schedule to your campaign:

As you can see we have already added useful templates like round the clock, weekdays, weekends, and work time to make it easier. You can also set a custom schedule.


The next setting is the impressions frequency. It allows you to limit the number of impressions per user or placement (advertising space) to a certain number during a specific time period specified in hours. We recommend starting with a frequency of 3 per user per 24h. This is often used in the industry.

You can add additional limitations as well, then your ads won't be shown to the exact user once he reaches at least one of these limits. Example:

This setting works only on campaign level, which means that one user can see ads from your different campaigns, but you can also add impressions frequency on the app object (go to app object settings) level to make sure that one user won't see your ad more than, for example, 15 times in 720 hours:

Important note: For now, frequency per website is not working for apps, but we will add this feature soon.

The next option is clicks frequency, it works the same way as the previous setting, but for clicks.

Furthermore, we added an aggressive frequency capping option to our platform. This setting helps you limit the frequency cap additionally. Until information about the ad impression is received, the next bid will not proceed. It's the next setting and how it looks:

This option is not required and you can skip it if you don't want to limit impressions frequency additionally.

The next setting is session depth. It allows you to show an ad to a user, defined by the account from the moment the session starts in the application. For example, if you want your ad to be shown only the first, second, or third in a row, then you should set the session depth setting as on the screenshot below:

Please take into account that if the session depth is set from 0 to 1, your ad will be displayed the first or the second. The 0 value of session depth assumes the first impression of the ad in the user's session.


After all previous options, you need to choose geo for your campaign. If you want just select a particular country, for example, Germany, then fill the country name in the field below and click on the option with the planet icon on the left:

If all is correct, you'll see the next:

But let's assume that you would like to target not the whole of Germany, but the 9 largest cities of this country:

  • Berlin

  • Hamburg

  • Munich

  • Cologne

  • Frankfurt

  • Stuttgart

  • Dortmund

  • Essen

  • Bremen

In this case, you need to choose the option "Add multiple locations".

Next, you'll see the window like on the screenshot below:

Click on the marked window to include necessary cities in targeting.

In some cases, you need to specify the region for a particular city.

After you have chosen all regions correctly, click "Add" and you will see the next:

But if you, for example, want to target all Germany except these cities, you can do that the same way, but just add cities to Exclude column. After you add them and specify the region for each city, it will look like that:

Hybe platform also allows you to use hyperlocal targeting. This feature allows you to target users within a certain radius from a specific point on the map. To do this, you will need to specify one or more points in the format: "latitude longitude radius". The default radius is specified in kilometers. Example of setting a point with a radius:

52.218223 20.899070 0.1

52.218223 - latitude;

20.899070 - longitude;

0.1 - radius (100m)

Then, let's see, how we can add the list of such points to the Hybe platform. Click on the "Add multiple locations" as you did before and change the location type from "Country, region, city" to "Coordinates".

Here you can also include or exclude particular coordinates. You can include a few and click "Apply" as on the screenshot below:

Finally, how it looks:

You can change the radius of the exact point if you want. Also, we added a filter that helps to choose only included/excluded countries/regions/cities/points.

Also, we added the "Show Ads if There are Coordinates" option to our platform. It allows you to show your ads only in those cases when coordinates of the user (latitude and longitude) were passed by SSP in the bid request.

The next option is IP targeting. If you want to include or exclude the exact IP address to/from targeting, you need to paste it into the field below:

Then, you need to click "Add to the whitelist" for inclusion and "Add to the blacklist" for exclusion. If you want to add a big list of IPs, you can easily import them:

Paste the list of IPs to the opened window:

Also, you can include or exclude a range of IP addresses as on the screenshot below:

In the same way as IPs, you can whitelist/blacklist subnet masks. Example:

Advanced targeting options

The first option in this part is eCPI Autoblacklisting (ABL), Our Data Science department developed this feature to save your time in campaign optimizations. It allows disabling exact app_id once the algorithm collected enough data on it and CPI that this app_id gives higher than the target CPI you set.

The second option is Fraudulent Clicks Filtering. It allows declining double clicks and clicks, which our platform detects as a fraud based on different behavior patterns. This option is enabled by default. In some rare cases, we noticed, that this feature can decline good traffic also, because of it we recommend making A/B test to understand, how the campaign works better - with enabled option or not.

And the last option in this part is the Device ID. By default, it is set on "Device ID is present", but you can change this option to "Device ID is missing" if you want to target LAT (Limited Ad Tracking) traffic.

STEP 2 - Devices

In the second step, all settings will relate to the devices on which the advertisement will be placed.

First of all, we can choose the type of device on which you will advertise: all of the following, mobile phones, tablets.

Next, you need to select either all models of the device or specific models.

And if you click on "Set specific brands", a search bar will open where you can select several specific models using the search tree as shown in the screenshot below:

Selected models can be deleted at any time, or all models of the selected manufacturer can be deleted at once. It is also possible to add new models to this list via the same search bar.

Next click on “OS & Version”, select the operating system and version by ticking the checkbox and clicking on "Set specific OS versions''.

Note: The system will only allow you to select the operating system whose App Object you are currently in.

After that select the "minimal" OS version and the top one, or leave the top one empty so from a particular version we will take all later versions of the device, as shown in the screenshot below.

The next step is to select "Device Language", click on it, or do not select this setting and you will be targeting devices with any language.

Click on the search bar and select one or more languages if necessary or close this setting by pressing "Disable":


Skip the "Connection Type" setting in order to use them all by default or tick the appropriate boxes.

"Carrier" will be required if we want to select specific mobile phone operators, all are selected by default.

Find one or more of the required operators by clicking on the “Target specific mobile operators” → field “Find an operator”:

Note: you can enable/disable all selected operators using the toggle.

STEP 3 - Inventory


You can switch between different campaign steps by clicking on the appropriate part on the bottom panel:

The first setting there is Direct deals. The direct deal is a format for buying traffic on specific SSPs and in specific applications with a fixed bid. Usually, this setting is used in cases when you are going to advertise an application with a category, which is strictly limited by the advertising policies of various SSPs. Example: betting, gambling, cryptocurrency, and so on.

Important note: when you select a direct deal with a fixed price, your bid and buying strategy specified in the “Basic Settings" step will no longer be taken into account. The purchase will be made at the price specified in the selected deal.

All direct deals are grouped by SSP. You can choose the particular direct deal from the drop-down menu:

The second option is Inventory (SSPs). Here you can check the necessary traffic sources you are going to use. If you want to use almost all SSPs, excluding some of them, you can click "Check all" and uncheck necessary. If you have already selected a lot of SSPs and want to select only some of them, except others, click "Uncheck all" and check necessary. Also, you can use the search bar to find a particular SSP.

The third option is Seller ID targeting. Here you can specify one or more Seller IDs and add them to the whitelist or blacklist (available only for AppNexus SSP). The logic of adding is the same like on IP targeting in Step 1:

Also, we added the ability to target only vertical videos. This option works only for MoPub SSP:


You can select the exact Placement ID(s) for targeting and include/exclude them to/from targeting. The logic of adding is the same as IPs and Seller IDs:

Targeting SSP

If you are using Rich Media creatives or playable ads, you can select a particular version of MRAID you want to target. You can learn more about creating MRAID ads here. Example:

The next setting in this group allows you to target video placements with the aspect ratio you specified:

The Video Ad Format option can be used if you want to target only a specific video format, for example, Interstitial. But this option works only in cases when SSP passes video format in the bid request, sometimes it can reduce the amount of available traffic.

If you want to target only placements for native ads, you can use the next option:

Then, when you are launching the video creatives you have an opportunity to show ads only in rewarded placements. To do that, just make this checkbox active:

Also, if you want to make video ads non-skippable, please use this option:


Here you will find settings for including/excluding to/from targeting different apps or app categories.

The first setting is App Categories, here you can choose a particular Google Play/App Store category(ies) of apps you want to target. You can find the necessary app category in the list or use the search bar. Example how they can be added:

The next setting is custom categories. Here you can add inclusion lists or exclusion lists of the apps you have already created before. Example:

Important note: you can add more than one inclusion list and exclusion list. If you add several inclusion lists and exclusion lists, then you will target only those applications that are contained in at least one of the added inclusion lists but are not included in any of the added exclusion lists.

In addition to the Google and Apple categories, there are also app categories created by the IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau). This categorization is deeper and more accurate than the previous one and you can also use it in your advertising campaigns. The logic of adding categories is the same as in the Google Play/App Store categories. Example:

Sometimes you can face cases when you are showing your ads in the apps, where SSP is not passing the app name via the bid request. And in the reports, such apps are usually named "Undefined". If you don't want to target such apps, you can use this option:

Also, you can target apps with a particular age rating using the Content Rating for Apps setting:

And the last option allows you to show your ads only in those apps, which have, for example, 1 million downloads or more (available only for Android):

STEP 4 - Audience

Audience Source contains all available ways to select the audience you want to target or exclude from targeting.

“My audiences” will contain all the audiences you have created in Data Clouds.

Data cloud will allow you to switch between existing clouds, each one assigned to an existing App object. This way you can gather audiences from different Data clouds, as long as the operating systems match.

If you see “Selected Data Cloud doesn't have any audiences” you need to go to the Data Clouds main menu section and create any audiences based on MMP events as described in our informative "Audience creation guide".

Also, you can simply switch to “Hybe Places” in the first search box and you'll see all the main places whose audiences you might want.

Note: any audience can be selected by clicking on “Add as a new group” or “Add to the selected group”. Before adding a new audience to the group, first, highlight an existing one and then press “Add to the selected group”.

The audiences we will be using should definitely be displayed on the right-hand side of the 'Selected Audiences' window.

So in the example we have selected 2 audiences from “Hybe Places”, added them as a new group, by default the toggles are on and that means we are targeting them. But at any time we can remove them by clicking on the appropriate icon, switch them off to exclude them from targeting and cross or merge them as described in the guide.

For instance, below is a screenshot from an existing client with the “Suppression List” turned off (those who have already installed the application) and at the same time, the 2 Hybe places are turned on. So we are not targeting people with the app installed and will target people who were once in the selected Hybe places.

As you may have noticed at the bottom left we have all the audiences created in Data clouds (with “My audiences” selected at the top).

STEP 5 - Ads

Link settings

The first option here is the click link. It's a required parameter for each campaign, where you are using banner or native ads. For video ads the click link is usually set inside the VAST tag, you can learn more about it here. Example of click attribution link:

In the next step, you need to add a third-party impression pixel. We recommend to add it always so you can track view-through conversions. But don't forget to ask your advertiser to enable view-through attribution on their MMP. You can send them one of our integration guides to make it easier. example of impression attribution link:

After that, you can enable the option, which allows users to open ads in a native browser, mostly this setting uses for Android campaigns.

Then, you can specify the s2s click URL. To learn more about s2s click tracking and configuring s2s click links in different MMPs, please read our article about it.


And the last step here is ad adding. Here you can create an ad or select already existing. We recommend creating ads in the Ad Library and only after that, add them to your campaigns. Click on "Choose from Ad Library".

After that, you'll see the Ad Library window, here you can select a necessary folder, for example, "Banners" and click on it to choose an exact ad or you can select the whole ad by clicking on the checkbox righter from the folder.

Select necessary ads and click on "Apply". After that, you'll see your banners added to the campaign.

After you added the necessary ads, you can also change a view type by clicking on the relevant button:

If you found, that you added incorrect ad (s), you can delete it and select another ad. To remove all ads you added, just click on the "Remove all" button:

If you want to delete the exact ad, you just need to checkbox this ad and click on the "Delete" button.

After you added all necessary ads, you can click on "Save & Run Campaign" to start the campaign immediately:

Or you can save it as a draft and in this case campaign wouldn't start automatically until you make it active.

That's all about the campaign settings, we wish you success in launching the campaign with Hybe!

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